Lille Mae King was born September 17, 1939 to Ms. Elsie Mae Harris and Mr. Herman Turner, She also had a loving stepfather named Mr. Clyde Hill. She departed this life on Tuesday, March 24, 2020 at the Montefiore Nyack Hospital in Nyack, NY. She said many times "I'm tired." God heard her and came to pick up his property so that she could rest from her labor. She was predeceased by her parents as well as her husband, Wesley King, Sr., and her son Kenneth King. Lil as she was affectionately known, was born in South Hampton County and grew up in Wakefield, VA. There, she met the love of her life Mr. Wesley King, Sr. From this union, they had 2 sons, Wesley Jr, and Kenny. She was also educated in the South Hampton and Suffolk County school systems. Her and her next oldest sister Clydel were 10 years apart in age. Lil would always bring candy from school to her. She was a loving big sister to Clydel, Elsie and Annie. She was a loving mother who took care of her sons and she loved all of her grand children and great grandchildren. Lil loved her some sweet potato pie, fish and she loved making dip for potato chips. Her favorite color was orange. If you ever visited her place, you would think it was Halloween because almost everything had some orange color to go with it. Lil and her family eventually moved to New York. She was employed by Rockland Psychiatric Center State Hospital for almost 30 years in the culinary department. She served the children alongside her longtime best friend Miss Queen E. Hall. Once retired, she focused on enjoying life and her family and friends, but mostly on loving and doing the will of God. Although she had physical limitations, she was outgoing and very funny (she really should have been a stand-up comedian). Besides cooking and eating and loving to drink Pepsi Cola, she loved to clean. Ask David her adopted son and John her grandson. They can tell you stories that will make you laugh for hours. Mother Lillie May King came to St. John Deliverance Tabernacle as a young women with the persuasion of her oldest son Elder Wesley King and served diligently under the leadership of the late Founder and Pastor, Apostle Elizabeth Alston and under the now leadership of Pastor Sarah Allen. She was a faithful member who served as a Deaconess, on the Nurses Board, the Traveling Fund Committee and the Mothers Board. Lil also received a few Certificates for attending the Manhattan Bible School extension that was once held at St. John Deliverance Tabernacle, Inc. She was not just a member of St. John, but she was a Holy woman who was saved, sanctified and filled with the Holy Ghost. A Graveside Service will be held 12 pm Monday May 18, 2020 at Booker T Cemetery, Wakefield, VA. Mrs. King is in the loving and professional care of Shivers Funeral Chapel. Please keep the King Family in prayer.
Burial Date May 18, 2020
A Graveside Service will be held 12 pm Monday May 18, 2020 at Booker T Cemetery, Wakefield, VA. Mrs. King is in the loving and professional care of Shivers Funeral Chapel. Please keep the King Family in Prayer.